Lysa Unku-Jones

Web Design and Development

I am a Front-End Web Developer with a passion for coding and creating stylish, responsive and functional websites. I can build a custom wesbite for you, or update your current website to give your project the modern, sleek and functional feel you need.

Having worked in creative, client-focussed, and community-oriented environments, communication is one of my strongest assets. I will plan and communicate each stage of your project clearly, and collaborate with you to help you find the maximum potential in your goals and visions.

Learning, and growth are very important to me on a personal and professional level, and I aim to continually better myself. I am an upbeat person and a creative problem-solver with a quick mind.

The world of technology is exciting and ever-evolving. I love that there is always something new to learn. I utilise my spare time doing coding challenges and projects to practise my skills, deepen my understanding and learn and grow as a Developer. The challenge and satisfaction of writing good quality, elegant code is something I really enjoy.

HTML5 CSS3 JS React PHP Wordpress API Git
View my personal projects on GitHub

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Lara Oz Therapies Website

HTML5 CSS3 JS Wordpress PHP JQuery

Website for Lara Oz Therapies

Designed and Devloped a website for Lara Oz Therapies to showcase current services and details. Built and designed from scratch using HTML5, CSS3, and JS, and converted to a Wordpress website using PHP.

Blog section currently being built which will be updated via the back-end, as well as through social media posts using API.

Physiotherapy Clinic Website


Template website for Physiotherapy Clinic

A basic design and layout for a Physio Therapy clinic for a potential upcoming project. Template designed and developed with HTML5 and CSS3, ready to be convterted to Wordpress or other CME as needed. Converted to a single page display for GitHub.

Contact form to be added including validation.

Elyssa Wilde Music Website


Template website for music project

Basic formatting, layout and colour-scheme for a music project.

The template will be updated to include a gallery, music videos, sample tracks, as well as a news section which will update from social media posts via API.

Music Player


Music Player with basic functionality

A Music Player featuring my own songs. The functionailty includes Play, Pause, Next, and Previous. A clickable progress bar displays the time lapsed. The image updates with the song, and playback is looped for the list of tracks.

Quote Generator


Quote Generator using API

A random quote is generated from an API onLoad. The author is displayed where known. A new quote can be generated by clicking on the button, or the quote can be posted directly to twitter.

Custom Count-down


Count down to a future date or event

Create a custom count-down by selecting the date and inputting a count-down title. When the count-down is finished, the count-down complete screen appears. The created count-down is stored in local storage, unless the counter is reset.

Lolcat Clock


A 12-hour clock featuring images which change according to set times

A digital 12-hour clock displays images corresponding to different times of the day. Default times such as morning, afternoon and evening are pre-set. The user can select 3 other times with corresponding images. Party button activates a corresponding party-time image.

Todo List


Todo or Shopping list from which items can be amended, crossed out, or removed

The input button ammends items to the end of the list onClick or with the enter key. Items may then be crossed out by clicking the item, or removed using the done button.

Background Generator


A HTML5 colour selecter using CSS3 and JS to create a gradient

A colour selecter which enables the user to select 2 colours of their choice which will be displayed as a gradient. The respective CSS code and RGB values are displayed to be used within projects as desired.


Lysa Unku-Jones

Creative, functional and responsive Web Development

HTML5 CSS3 JS JQuery PHP Wordpress API Git

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